
AOL's Overton Window += Ficlets

Kevin Lawver is the Shadow

Kevin Lawver is giving a talk about the genesis of Ficlets.com. He's the dark shadow next to the slide.  It's very interesting to hearhow the team was able to experiment and push this small project out ina matter of weeks.

It strikes me that Ficlets may well increase the Overton Windowof what's reasonable to seriously consider at AOL.  The agile process,tools such as Rails, OpenID, and Creative Commons have now beenlaunched, which moves discussions from "will it work?" and "can we getit approved?" to "will it work for this project?".  Which I think is amovement in AOL's internal window of acceptable discourse and givesother people air cover.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed, the very fact that it happened is powerfulin it of itself. It give tacit permission to what was once unthinkable or unimaginable. ;)



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