
Open is as Open Does

Why I'm happy to be working at Google: The meaning of open (Official Google Blog).  Open technology and open information are ultimately about freedom and control.  Open technology gives everyone freedom to invent, compete, and improve the world; open information gives people ultimate control over the literal bits that belong to them.  These are aspirational, ambitious, long-term goals.  And yes, in the long run they benefit Google as well as the world  but the point is that they do this, at least in principle, by increasing value for everyone.  That's a good goal.  It's a difficult goal, and it takes a lot of up-front investment and a long term perspective — something the world needs more of right now.

Happy holidays!

1 comment:

Suspended by the Baby Boss at Twitter

Well!  I'm now suspended from Twitter for stating that Elon's jet was in London recently.  (It was flying in the air to Qatar at the...